CG Services

A brief background...

Web design and development was not really a path that I had planned to follow although I have always had a huge interest in all technology. It all started with a couple of small basic sites for friends and family and frankly just grew from there; word of mouth and recommendation.
My full-time career was in finance which continued for some 30 years which frankly was quite enough but my interests in technology remain and the ability to work quite literally from anywhere as long as I have a connection to the internet suits not just my lifestyle but modern day, environmentally-friendly working.
Although I have created sites in the past with the use of web-builders like Wix, I prefer the flexibility of starting with a blank page. For those who are familiar with web design, I write in html, php and javascript, and also take advantage of Bootstrap for convenience; this way, design thoughts, layouts and look are not constrained to limits.
"Let's create the best format to deliver your message"... completely describes my working practices and the importance of working together with you to formulate and reflect your vision. It not only gets the job done quicker but it's fun too. So, please visit my Services page to see some examples of my work to date or contact me directly and we can chat about your thoughts and ideas.